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Is Your Senior Loved One Having Knee Replacement Surgery? 3 Strategies To Ease Their Home Recovery

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Knee replacement surgery is often recommended for older adults that struggle with pain or immobility that is caused by health conditions such as severe arthritis or a past trauma to the joint. Although the prospect of your loved one having surgery in their senior years may cause you to worry, the good news is that there are things you can do to increase their chances of a strong recovery. Before your loved one goes to the hospital, use these strategies to prepare for their return home.…

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How To Support An Elderly Parent With Osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis can affect every bone in your body. You can even experience bone loss in your jaw, which can make your teeth fall out. This condition causes your bones to become brittle and weak. A simple fall for someone with osteoporosis can result in a severe injury. Around 50 percent of hip fracture survivors can become permanently incapacitated. Read on to find out how to support an elderly parent with osteoporosis.…

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3 Things to Ask Your Parent's Home Health Aide to Gauge Their Health

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As your parent ages, he or she may be aware of the onset of some health shortcomings but may attempt to hide these from you. This can be a concern, because your parent might seem find when you visit him or her, but struggle in a variety of areas when you’re not around. If you can convince your parent to accept some help at home from a home health aide, you can partner with this health professional to learn more about your parent’s condition.…

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Making Your Home Safe For Your Elderly Parent

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When your aging parent moves into your house with you and your family, it might not occur to you that you need to make any changes to your home. However, one in three older people (over 65) fall down per year, and some of them suffer major injury. To avoid this and keep your parent safe inside your house, use the tips below. Keep a Hall Light On During the Night…

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3 Innovative Ways To Make Senior Care More Affordable

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When your aging parent gets to a point in their life when taking care of all of their needs on their own is impossible, the responsibility to make sure they are safe will often fall on you. When you have your own responsibilities to handle, this can be a lot to take on alone. This is why so many people choose to hire an in-home senior care professional to help out.…

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Does Your Home Have An Elevated Radon Level? If So, What Can You Do?

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Radon is a radioactive gas that creates a serious health threat if it gets inside your home. In fact, the Surgeon General cautions that indoor radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in this country; therefore, it’s important to find out if your home has an elevated radon level. On a more positive note, exposure to radon gas is a health threat you can prevent since a simple test kit can detect the presence of the gas.…

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Tips To Make The Bathroom Safer For An Elderly Relative

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If you have an elderly relative, you may often worry about their well-being while they are in their home by themselves. You can make slip and fall risks less by making a few changes inside the home. The bathroom is one area where slipping happens most because of moist conditions. Here are a few ways you can help your elderly relative stay safe in the bathroom. Add Bathroom Rails Hand rails will make a huge impact when your loved one is in the shower or using the toilet.…

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Assistance From Professional Home Care Helps Family Caregivers Maintain Emotional & Physical Health

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A great deal of research has been conducted on the physical and psychological impact on family members who care for loved ones with dementia at home. You might believe that you, and perhaps other relatives, can handle all the caregiving duties on your own, but trying to do so can have significant negative effects on your emotional and physical health. Consider hiring professional help from a home care agency, even if it’s only for a few hours a week.…

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Helping Your Elderly Loved One Cope With The Loss Of A Spouse

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As your loved ones begin to age, the possibility that they will lose a spouse becomes a greater and more likely possibility. However, when it actually happens, nobody is quite prepared for it. Your elderly loved one needs as much help and support from you as possible in the months and even years following this unfortunate reality of life. In order to properly handle the situation, you should get to know the ways in which you can provide support and assistance to your elderly loved one in their time of need.…

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4 Reasons To Rely On Home Care

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If you have an elderly loved one, you may want to have help monitoring this person. Depending on the situation and the health condition of this individual it may be an ideal situation to rely on home care. This will allow this person to stay home and get the necessary amount of care for better living. Knowing the reasons to choose this option may have you motivated to get started:…

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