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The Stages Of Alzheimer's Disease And The Need For Care

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Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive illness that impacts many stages of life. If you are arranging care for a loved one with this condition, it is helpful to know the stages of the disease so that you can plan accordingly. These are the stages of the condition and what you need to know to make good decisions for your loved one’s care. Stage One & Two The first stage of Alzheimer’s disease is pre-illness.…

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The Benefits Of Hiring An Experienced And Empathetic Home Caregiver

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When your spouse suffers an illness or injury that leaves them incapacitated, you may find it difficult to care for them on your own. You struggle not only with the emotional impact of watching someone you love suffer and lose their former capabilities. You also may not have the skills or stamina to administer the healthcare that is needed. Instead of sending your spouse to go live at a nursing home, you can keep them at home with you where they may feel the most at peace.…

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Why Consider Senior Home Care For Your Loved One?

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There are many options available for aging seniors to get the care they need. One option is senior home care. Many families find this is a perfectly acceptable and workable solution. However, there are some occasions when it is a better option than others. Here are a few reasons to consider senior home care services rather than an assisted living community. Your Loved One Only Needs Temporary Assistance In some cases, long-term care or assistance isn’t necessary.…

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Does Your Parent Need In-Home Senior Care Services?

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In-home senior care services help many seniors keep their independence longer by offering them help in their homes. Do you worry about your senior parent that lives all alone? If so, have you considered hiring a company to provide them with the help they need? You can customize the services that your parent receives. Here are several things to know about these services if you are trying to decide whether your parent needs them.…

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Due Dilligence When Hiring 24 Hour Care For A Loved One

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When it comes time to hire 24-hour care for your loved one, it is important that you perform your due diligence. You want to make sure that you are hiring a service that can provide exactly what it is that your loved one needs in the way of medical care. However, many people are not aware of the particular questions that they should ask when vetting a home health care agency.…

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After An Alzheimer's Diagnosis, Start With Home Health Care

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News that your parent or another elderly loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease feels like life-shattering news. While it is entirely natural to be upset and confused, it is not a time to panic. It is instead a time to move into action to ensure your loved one is well protected. Hiring an elderly care professional is an excellent place to begin. The Care Your Loved One Needs…

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In-Home Senior Care: Is It Right For Your Family?

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When it comes to taking care of your aging loved ones, you’ll often come across the dilemma of wondering just what you can do to keep them in their home. You don’t want to put them in a nursing home or assisted living unless they are in need of serious medical or constant care, but how do you manage their care in the meantime? Did you know that you can have in-home senior care services done for your loved ones?…

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High Compression Socks & Hose? Tips For Making Them More Comfortable To Use

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Medical care providers recommend the use of high compression socks and hosiery to help with a variety of health conditions, ranging from simple fatigue and post-surgical care to blood-flow issues, such as deep vein thrombosis and chronic venous insufficiency issues. However, because they are designed and constructed to tightly compress the leg, they can be somewhat uncomfortable to put on and wear. If your doctor has recommended that you utilize knee-high compression socks or some other form of specialized hosiery, the following tips can help you enjoy a more comfortable experience.…

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Seniors And Healthy Diets: It's Important

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Eating healthy is important at every age, but as you get older, your diet becomes especially important. Following an unhealthy diet at an older age increases the risk for certain diseases like high blood pressure, and it can affect mobility and lead to overall discomfort. If you have an aging parent or loved one, it’s important they eat healthy. Bone Strength With age, it’s not uncommon to lose bone mass, which in turn increases the risk of broken bones, even from a minor fall.…

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Live-In Health Aides And Knowing When You Need One

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The number of senior citizens living in the United States is growing at a rapid pace. According to the Census Bureau, there will be 92 million seniors living in the country by the year 2060. This means that this group of people will make up 20% of the country’s population. If you are either getting close to becoming a senior or if you are already in your golden years, you have probably thought about your long-term health care needs.…

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