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Is Your Senior Loved One Having Knee Replacement Surgery? 3 Strategies To Ease Their Home Recovery

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Knee replacement surgery is often recommended for older adults that struggle with pain or immobility that is caused by health conditions such as severe arthritis or a past trauma to the joint. Although the prospect of your loved one having surgery in their senior years may cause you to worry, the good news is that there are things you can do to increase their chances of a strong recovery. Before your loved one goes to the hospital, use these strategies to prepare for their return home.

Good work! Your article has been accepted at 4 stars. In the future, please focus on [taking a creative approach, proofreading, and strengthening your authority and expertise].Your loved one's post-operative treatment plan will depend upon the type of knee replacement surgery that they receive. However, most people can expect to participate in rehabilitative physical therapy programs within a day or two following their surgery. Your loved one will also have a wound that requires special care such as changing the dressings. Talk to your loved one's medical team before their surgery, and ask them what you should expect during the first few days at home. Then, use this information to plan for options such as senior home care that helps them through each stage of their recovery.

Eliminate Potential Fall Hazards

Following the surgery, your loved one will encounter mobility challenges that place them at risk for falls. For instance, pain medications may cause them to feel dizzy, or they may have weakness in the leg that was operated on. Spend some time walking through your loved one's house to identify things such as rugs that could cause them to slip. If possible, replace stairs with ramps to make it easier for them to move through their house.

Arrange for Professional Assistance

Until your loved one regains their strength, common tasks may be challenging. For example, your loved one may find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, or they may struggle with performing the steps that are required to use the bathroom. Arrange for in home health care services that can assist with things such as personal hygiene for the first several weeks that your loved one is at home. Professional caregivers can also help with things such as medication management and infection monitoring so that your loved one's health stays strong.

Although the process of recovering from knee replacement surgery does take time, you can implement strategies that promote your loved one's wellbeing. By making their health and safety a priority before they head into surgery, you can look forward to their hospital discharge with confidence that they have everything in place to focus on regaining their mobility.
